
I'm considering the Ikea version of this table.  Thoughts?
Any ideas where I can find a smaller, affordable version?

*both images via Lonny


  1. I have been wanting this table too! Let me know if you find a cheaper one! Though Ikea does seem to have the cheapest that I know of. Maybe try craigslist?

  2. CB2 has one; this one is 39.5" in diameter. I know which Ikea table you are referring to although I don't remember the diameter of the Ikea table. CB2 sells their for $199.00. Go here:

    I hope this helps.

  3. We have this one from Ikea, bought it on craigslist for $45 I think...I like it b/c it's so versatile. We had nice sturdy wooden table that I thought I would miss but it was taking up so much space. I've never regretted it. We looked at the CB2 one for a while too, I think the size is similar.


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