sixty five

Despite my best efforts, I wasn't able to blog yesterday.  So I'm here to tell you I'm alive!  My blogger platform has not been letting me upload pictures on any computer or in any browser...which makes bringing all of you a beautiful post a little hard.  I pray no one else is experiencing this frustrating problem.

But enough with the complaints, and on with the good stuff.

Yesterday I reached 65 followers!  65!  To think that just a few months ago I was the only one who knew about my guilty little blog hobby and now I have people worried when I don't post...its a little bizarre.  I am beyond flattered that anyone is interested in reading what I have to say, let alone come back for more, comment and follow!  So, from my hearts of hearts, thank you!

I will resume normal posting as soon as blogger allows.  Happy 5th of August!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on reaching 65 followers!:D Happy to be one of them!:D
    Beauty. Fashion. Interior Design.
    & Life According to Marie.


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