friday favorites

What are your weekend plans?  Our family suffered an incredible loss a few weeks back, so we'll be spending the weekend remembering a special someone with family in Oklahoma.  We're looking forward to storytelling, fond memories and relentless tears.  Sometimes, you just have to dive right into the grief, right?

In the spirit of it being Friday, I've compiled my favorites of the week.  Ready?
  1. Why doesn't anyone ever invite me over for donut tasting?  Great concept via the Glitter Guide.
  2. This Claire Vivier clutch has been haunting my dreams, will someone gift it to me already?
  3. Obsessing over this chic dining room via Domaine
  4. The perfect way to wear white (and gold for that matter)
  5. S'mores on a stick, need I say more?
  6. Sarah Sherman Samuel has overtaken the internet, check out her DIY garment rack
Kiss those you love and have a great weekend!
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