currently coveting: fall nail color

I don't know about you, but finding a nail color that I truly love and can live with for a week is like climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, so I thought from one girl to another, I'd share my current favorites. If it helps you have one great week of nail color, my mission is complete!  Oh, and if you're wondering how in the world I get a solid week out of my polish, use this top coat, it's magic!

La Laque Couture by Yves Saint Laurent / Tea With The Queen by Butter London 
Metaphor by Jin Soon / Bossy Boots by Butter London / Good to Go by Essie


  1. Wish I had read this before I got my nails painted. I was wanting a dark green and got more of an "Emerald City" look on my toes. That Jin Soon color looks amazing!

  2. Oh no! I've been wearing Metaphor by Jin Soon since Blogshop and am obsessed! Definitely worth a try!


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